
createTheme(options, themeType);


Material Vega's settings can be customized, most of these are just Material Design constants which allow for overriding by another Material Design library.

  • font (default='"Roboto", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif'): Font family to use for text
  • labelPadding (default=8): Spacing between labels and the chart
  • barCornerRadius (default=2): Corner radius to use for bars
  • textColor (default='rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)'): Primary text color
  • secondaryTextColor (default='rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54)'): Secondary text color
  • dividerColor (default='rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)'): Divider color
  • color (default=undefined): Default color for single marks
  • background (default='transparent'): Background color for charts
  • thickDomainLineWidth (default=2): Bottom domain line thickness

Theme Type

Material Vega has a limited set of themes targeted for specific types of visualizations. A themeType matching the type of Vega visualization you are rendering must be specified.

  • verticalBarChart: Standard Vertical Bar Charts
  • focusedVerticalBarChart: Vertical Bar Charts without axis labels and lines
  • horizontalBarChart: Horizontal Bar Charts
  • lineChart: Line Charts
  • areaChart: Area Charts
  • areaLineChart: Area Charts with a line and translucent area
  • pieChart: Pie Charts (experimental)
  • donutChart: Donut Charts (experimental)
  • scatterplotChart: Scaterplot / Point Charts